Every child needs vitamins for adequate physical and mental development. These vitamins can be obtained from food in children with a balanced diet, but may also need to be given externally in the form of medication at certain times of life.
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins required for growth and development in children. It is a vitamin that every child should receive in the first year of life. The ideal nutrition for babies is exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. If the vitamin D levels in the mothers’ bodies are adequate, there may be no need to give vitamin D to babies in the form of external medication during the first 6 months when they are exclusively breastfed. But this depends on mothers getting enough sunlight. Mothers of babies born in winter cannot synthesize enough vitamin D during pregnancy because they do not get enough sunlight.
For this reason, starting from 15 days of age until the end of 1 year (until the end of 18 months if it is winter), every baby should be given vitamin D supplements (Devit3 drops, Multitabs drops, etc.) at the dose recommended by the doctor. In addition to vitamin D given in the form of medication, it will be beneficial for bone health to have children take sun baths whenever possible on sunny days. Staying in the sun for 20 minutes for a clothed child (head and hands uncovered) and 5 minutes for a child wearing only a diaper meets the daily vitamin D requirement. In order to benefit from the sun’s rays in terms of vitamin D, the sun must be in direct contact with our skin, and the presence of glass in between partially reduces the absorption of vitamin D from the skin.
Is iron supplementation necessary for children? If necessary, how should it be done?
“Iron” is one of the minerals that are absolutely necessary for mental and physical development in the growing age. Especially in societies like our country where anemia due to iron deficiency is common, giving iron-containing drugs to children from outside is also important for public health.
The importance of iron in children starts even before they are born. Iron transfer to the baby in the womb occurs especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy. During this period, mothers should definitely take iron-containing medicines from outside. Iron deficiency is more common in mothers who give birth frequently, and therefore a child born to an iron-deficient mother starts life with deficient iron stores as soon as he or she is born.
Between 6 months and 2 years of age, iron deficiency is found in 70% of children in our country, which is very high compared to developed countries. Children with low iron levels develop anemia. In addition to symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight gain, mental problems such as learning difficulties are common in these children. Infectious diseases are more common in children with anemia and their intelligence scores (IQ) are lower than others.
Children need more iron between the ages of 6 months and 2 years and during adolescence when growth is rapid. The iron stores of babies whose mothers do not have iron deficiency and who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months can meet the need until the end of 6 months. The amount of iron a newborn baby has at birth is 250 mg. this amount is 6. by the end of the month. 6. If additional iron-rich foods (red meat, liver, green vegetables…) are not given adequately after the first month of life, iron deficiency and anemia will inevitably develop.
In order to prevent iron deficiency, it is very important for babies to continue breastfeeding alone for the first 6 months and with appropriate additional foods after the 6th month. Fifty percent of the iron in breast milk, 10 percent in cow’s milk and only 5 percent in formula is absorbed from the intestines. In addition, some substances in cow’s milk can cause small bleeding in the intestines, which can lead to anemia. For these reasons, it is not recommended to give cow’s milk to children in their first year of life.
Which vitamins are important for dental health in children?
Milk teeth start to erupt between 6 and 9 months. It is necessary to prevent tooth decay starting from this period. Children get fluorine, which is very important for dental health, from drinking water during this period. However, the fluorine level in most of the drinking water in our country is insufficient. For this reason, children should be given fluorine supplements in the form of medication after the first milk teeth begin to erupt. However, this treatment must be done under the supervision of a doctor and by checking the fluorine content in drinking water.
As with all medicines, too much fluorine is harmful. In developed countries this problem has been solved by fluoridating all drinking water. In our country, only some water brands produce specially fluoridated water. If the drinking water used is not fluoridated in this way, fluorine should be supplemented externally in the form of medication.
When do children need fish oil, zinc-containing medicines and immune-boosting drops?
Children with a normal balanced diet already get vitamins such as zinc from their diet. However, in children with growth retardation or healthy children, it may be advisable to give them in the form of medication only during periods of illness. Zinc and fish oil (omega fats) have positive effects on the immune system. It increases resistance to diseases and has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. However, they do not have to be given continuously externally as medicine. Similar effects can be achieved by adding foods rich in omega fats, such as walnuts, to the child’s diet.
Most immune-boosting drugs in the form of drops are of herbal origin. They are obtained by transforming various plants such as linden, rosehip, mint, chamomile, echinacea, which are known as medicinal from ancient times to the present day, into medicines with the help of technology. These can be taken as medicines, but it should be remembered that they have similar effects when used in their natural form.
Like all medicines, vitamins must be used under the supervision of a doctor. Going to the pharmacy and unconsciously buying all the vitamins and giving them to children can sometimes have harmful consequences. For example, zinc and iron have opposing effects, and if both are given at the same time, neither may be beneficial.
Specialist Dr. Ömer Serhat KURŞUN
Pediatrics Specialist